The day has come! It is sunny today as we all exchange phone numbers, hugs, and well wishes. My bags are packed and I am mostly ready to go except that it doesn't quite feel final. I even handed in my uniform today - but I walked out of work confused by a conglomerate of many different feelings. Who knows when I will see any of these people again? I have become really close to a lot of people (and to Juneau) within the last 3 weeks (and of course over the course of the summer), and I've never experienced this kind of goodbye where we are all literally headed to different corners of the world. And how can I tear myself away from such a beautiful landscape, especially when it's sunny on my final day? It seems to be just a reminder of how wonderful this place really is. Certainly I will miss the job; all the tourists, locals, friends, and coworkers, the masses of incredible people that I have met and been touched by throughout the summer, are the real reason I will probably remain in the tourism industry. I thought I was ready to come home, and now here I am wishing I just had a few more days to spend with my new friends.
These next months are going to be an incredible time of reflection back on my breath-taking summer here in Alaska. I'm so fortunate to have had this experience - not just the work experience but the experience of a lifetime, and it has really opened so many doors for the future. I finally think I have found a niche. I don't think I am meant to work 12 months out of the year, but I still have so much time to figure all of this out. The real question on everyone's lips is "are you coming back next summer?" My answer is that I will definitely come back to visit Juneau at some point in my life, but it is now within my comfort zone and I aim to remove myself from that zone so that I might be able to grow more as a person; if I come back to Alaska, I will drive the highways around Fairbanks. But lately, and idea has been fluttering around in my head for next summer: driving in Yellowstone. Who knows. So much can change in a year.
I have grown so much this summer. Thank you to everyone and everything that has been a part of this growth - I really couldn't have done it without all of you. I promise that this isn't goodbye, only "see you later," and we will try our best to stay in touch. At least we will always have Juneau, Alaska to remember together!
Kristin! I wish you'd post some more, you are a really good writer and I'd love to read more about your adventures! Miss you love!